About This Course

Welcome to the Leadership & Influence course. 

Clearly, leadership potential exists within each of us. That potential can be triggered by outside events, or it can be learned by exploring ourselves from within. This training takes the latter approach. Once you learn the techniques of true leadership, you will be able to build the confidence it takes to take the lead. The more experience you have acting as a genuine leader, the easier it will be for you. It is never easy to take the lead, as you will need to make decisions and face challenges, but it can become natural and rewarding.

This is a 4-hour, 12-Module, 10-Lesson course complete with audio with text lessons, short case study videos, instructor-host introduction, midway and end of course wrap up videos. There are downloadable PDF worksheets and or handouts for use during the course and future reference after the course. Each lesson module has a multi-question quiz to test your learning of the content covered.

Be certain to take advantage of any BONUS materials provided with this course. There is no set time requirement to complete the course, so you may work at your own pace, logging off to take breaks then logging back on to progress to completion at your convenience. Be certain to take advantage of any discounted subject related courses to fully explore your learning options on our Professional Development Online Training platform.

If You Lead Well...

They will follow! Learn the skills necessary to be an effective leader and a trusted influencer.

Course Objective

Clear goals promote rapid and easy learning.

  • Define Leadership & Understand the people you lead and how to adapt your leadership styles.

  • Explain the Great Man and Trait Theories.

  • Understand Transformational Leadership.

  • Learn various leading styles: Leading by Directing, Coaching, Participating and Delegating.

  • An Introduction to Kouzes & Posner's leadership skills required to positively influence others.

  • Learn how to conduct a personal leadership inventory, create an action plan, and establish personal leadership goals.

Course Curriculum

    1. Navigating Your Course Portal Instructions

    2. Welcome to the Course! Introduction & Information

    3. Before we begin...

    4. Action Plan: Leadership & Influence

    5. ETextbook: Leadership And Influence

    1. Module 2: The Evolution of Leadership

    2. Module 2 Case Study Video

    3. Module 2 Worksheet: My Goal Card

    4. Module 2 Quiz: The Evolution of Leadership

    1. Module 3: Situational Leadership

    2. Module 3 Case Study Video

    3. Leadership & Influence Course Quick Reference Sheet

    4. Module 3 Quiz: Situational Leadership

    1. Module 4: A Personal Inventory

    2. Module 4 Case Study Video

    3. Module 4 Worksheet: Personal Inventory

    4. Module 4 Quiz: A Personal Inventory

    1. Module 5: Modeling The Way

    2. Module 5 Case Study Video

    3. Module 5 Quiz : Modeling the Way

    1. Module 6: Inspiring A Shared Vision

    2. Module 6 Case Study Video

    3. Module 6 Quiz: Inspiring a Shared Vision

    4. Midway Course Check-in

About this course

  • $595.00
  • 42 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Course Pricing

4-hr. Online Course

Bonus Material

Enjoy a complimentary e-textbook or e-workbook and a great discount offer.

  • Downloadable E-Textbook or E-Workbook

    This course comes with a downloadable e-textbook or e-Workbook of course content. It's a great course resource as you work through each lesson and for future reference.

  • Anytime Access 24/7

    Access this course at anytime convenient for you to complete, review or retrieve any of the course content.

  • Future Course Discount

    Upon completion of this course, we'll offer you a discount to take another Proper Advantage Professional Development Series online course good for 90 Days!

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