
Welcome to the Civility & Respect In The Workplace Course. Civil behavior is a crucial soft skill that every person should possess and employ. Many cases of incivility are simply the result of lack of knowledge and/or practice of skills needed to navigate the workplace in a respectful and considerate fashion. 

Companies are encouraged to regularly raise awareness on the costs of incivility, as well as keep employees trained in civility-related concepts such as gender sensitivity, harassment in the workplace, stress management, conflict management, and workplace etiquette. 

This is a 4-hour, instructor hosted, self-pace course, containing twelve (12) modules consisting of ten (10) audio with text lessons, module quizzes, worksheets, handouts, surveys and instructor/course host videos) plus a bonus e-Textbook for your future reference.

Be part of the solution to everyday workplace conflicts.

Start this course today!

Course Objectives

  • Define civility. Explore its causes and discuss at least three of its behavioral indicators.

  • Learn about the cost and rewards of civility in the workplace.

  • Learn some practical ways of practicing workplace etiquette and the basic styles of conflict resolution.

  • Learn some skills for diagnosing the causes of uncivil behavior.

  • Understanding the role of forgiveness and conflict resolution and the different elements of effective communication.

  • Learn specific interventions for workplace conflicts and learn how to recommend a procedure for systematizing civil behavior within the workplace.

Course curriculum

    1. Navigating Your Course Portal

    2. Welcome to the Course! Introduction & Information

    3. Before we begin...

    4. Action Plan

    5. ETextbook: Civility & Respect In the Workplace

    1. Module 2 Lesson: An Introduction to the Concept of Civility

    2. Module 2 Case Study Video

    3. Module 2 Quiz: Test your learning

    1. Module 3 Lesson: Effective Work Etiquette

    2. Module 3 Case Study

    3. Module 3 Quiz: Test your learning

    1. Module 4 Lesson: Cost And Rewards of Workplace Civility

    2. Module 4 Case Study

    3. Module 4 Quiz: Test your learning

    1. Module 5 Lesson: Conflict Resolution

    2. Module 5 Case Study

    3. Module 5 Quiz: Test Your Learning

    1. Module 6 Lesson: Getting To The Cause of Incivility

    2. Module 6 Case Study

    3. Module 6 Quiz: Test Your Learning

    4. Midway Course Check-in

About this course

  • $595.00
  • 40 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Course Pricing

4-hr Online Course

Bonus Material

Enjoy a complimentary e-textbook or e-workbook and a great discount offer.

  • Downloadable E-Textbook or E-Workbook

    This course comes with a downloadable e-textbook or e-Workbook of course content. It's a great course resource as you work through each lesson and for future reference.

  • Anytime Access 24/7

    Access this course at anytime convenient for you to complete, review or retrieve any of the course content.

  • Future Course Discount

    Upon completion of this course, we'll offer you a discount to take another Proper Advantage Professional Development Series online course good for 90 Days!

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